whitespace is like air, it is necessary for designers to breathe.

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about us


We represent the official Graphics Designing Club of BNMIT to spread the message of Design thinking. We focus on Graphic Designing, Gaming, UI/UX , 3D Art , as well as on the art and craft for various activities in the campus. We also take up campus development initiatives to help everyone familiarize with Graphic Design mainly through workshops and guest lectures by industry experts.


To create a club where students come together to share ideas and display their creativity and to give students the tools to enrich their creative outlook.


To gather creative individuals and to provide a platform to enrich creative ideas in graphic design, 3d design, animation, motion graphics, branding, web developement and marketing.

our members

Siggraph Core Team

Meet our Team!

Dr. Kavitha Jayaram, CSE Dept.

Siggraph Faculty Coordinator

Manish K Reddy

Siggraph Lead

Kashyap Rayas

Siggraph Vice Lead & Brand Lead

Shreyas R

Siggraph Secretary


Student Coordinator

Aditya Ishan

Resource Management


Social Media Lead


Event Coordinator


Knowledge Transfer Lead

our affiliate

Viga Entertainment Technology is working towards a vision of enabling anyone to showcase their imagination to the world. By using Cloud, AI, and real-time rendering we work on cutting edge applications for the entertainment industry. They aim to deliver new tools and techniques using Nano-technology. Siggraph BNMIT is extremely Grateful for their support and guidance.

Learn More!

event timeline